Replay Radio is the perfect solution for recording online radio broadcasts of your favorite talk radio, news, and music shows. Version 11 sports a brand new user interface. If you're a fan of Replay Media Catcher and Replay Music, this should look fairly familiar to you. You'll see all your scheduled radio shows listed in the My Schedule tab. On the left, you can quickly access the expansive Media Guide as well as Settings and Support.

The Guides in Replay Radio 11 make it very easy to setup scheduled recordings so that you do not need to fill in a bunch of details yourself. Click the Guides button, and our Replay Media Guide will appear. You can then search for your favorite shows, stations, and podcasts or discover new and popular ones. We collate the list so that the proper settings are in place for you to enjoy right away. For more information, check out the How to Schedule a Recording via the Guide section.
If you are currently listening to a show on you computer and want to record it, simply press the large Record button at the top of the interface. An audio recording will begin, and it will be saved under the My Recordings tab.
If you want to schedule a recording, and you already know the website URL (Uniform Resource Locator, a.k.a. web address) for the show, click the Add Show button. Consult the How to Schedule a Recording Manually section of this guide for filling out the scheduler details. Sometimes a radio show is streamed from a different location than the website you see in your browser. To discover the true URL, we provide a handy URL Finder.
The Tune button can be used to quickly start listening to a station. Simply make sure that a scheduled item is selected, and then click the Tune button. The online radio station associated with that scheduled item will open for you to listen to the current live programming. More information can be found in the Tuning to a Live Online Radio Station section of this User Guide.
Clicking on the My Recordings tab will take you to all of your recorded radio episodes and podcasts. Recordings are saved in the Media Folder of your choice. This can be a local folder or even a Dropbox account if you have one. The choice of storage location can be configured in Settings.
How to Record Now - Quick Record
If you have audio currently playing on your computer that you would like to record, press the Record button. The Replay Radio interface will show the current recording session in the My Recordings tab. Additionally, the icon in the top left will change to a stop button. When you are done recording, press the Stop. Alternately, you can right-click on the listed recording and choose Stop.
To play back completed recordings in the My Recordings list, simply select the entry, the Play button will become active, and press Play. Alternately, right-click on the entry and select Play ..., or just click the Enter/Return key on your keyboard.
Recordings are saved in your Media Folder which can be changed in Settings, or by selecting the Output Folder icon at the top-right of the interface.
How to Schedule a Recording via the Guide
Clicking the Guides button on the main Replay Radio 11 interface brings up our Replay Media Guide where you can discover thousands of online radio stations and podcasts. The Guide is divided into three sections (Shows, Stations, and Podcasts) which can be navigated to via the large buttons in the middle of the interface.

- Shows:
We provide several different ways for you to discover and add a radio show to Replay Radio 11 for recording: Search for shows, view a list of popular shows, a huge list of categories, and even a place to store and view your favorites.

Using the Search option, you can search for a specific show by name.

You will then be presented a list of all the stations in our database that have that particular show. Simply click the Schedule button to create a scheduled recording in Replay Radio. All the schedule details will be automatically filled out for you. For more information on adjusting the schedule details, please look at How to Schedule a Recording Manually.
The Popular Shows option will present to you a listing of the currently most listened-to radio programs.
The Shows by Category option breaks our database of programs into categories in case you prefer to search for content by genre.
- Radio Stations:
Similar to the Shows button in the Replay Radio Guide, the Radio Stations button allows you to discover online radio stations by searching or browsing through categories.

Once you have located a station, if you click the Schedule button while at the stations listing, the scheduler will open with default values for the station. You will need to choose appropriate recording times and duration (see How to Schedule a Recording Manually for more details). Select the Tune button to immediately tune to the station. Or the Record button to immediately start recording the station. Selecting the Favorite button will add the station to your personal favorites.

- Podcasts:
As with the Radio Shows and Radio Stations buttons in the Replay Radio Guide, the Podcasts button allows you to discover podcasts . Search for a specific Podcast name, or browse countries and categories.
How to Schedule a Recording Manually
Replay Radio contains a sophisticated scheduler, which allows you to schedule regular and unattended recordings. The scheduler takes into consideration the time zone of the source, and also handles changes in daylight savings between the source and you. This is particularly important for regular radio recordings.
When specific programs are added via the Guide, the settings for the show will be appropriately pre-populated. If you have added a station via the Guide, then you will need to set the appropriate start time and duration for which you wish to record.
We recommend that where possible always use schedule from within the Guides. This will ensure times and time zones are set correctly for the source. We also recommend that you do a recording test to make sure the stream is recorded with the given parameters.
Recordings can also be manually setup for scheduling. To manually create schedule, press the Add New Show button from the list of icons on the main interface/my schedule tab. Similarly, existing schedules can be edited by clicking on their listed item from your My Schedule pane.
Replay Radio does not need to be running when a recording is scheduled. It will automatically start. See Settings->Advanced for more info. But of course, your computer does need to be on.

You can configure a scheduled recording as follows:
General Tab
- Show Name: This is the name of the scheduled recording/download. You can also use the following parameters to add start time information to the file name: {D} - day, {M} - Month, {Y} - year, {H} - Hour, {MI} - minute.
- Capture Method:
- Direct download by URL: The URL will be downloaded directly. Note: Direct download is not available for all streams. Please test this option first, and then fall back to Record Audio Output.
- Audio Record (Application): Audio recording will be switched on and the URL will be opened in the default browser. Whatever is streamed will be captured.
- Audio Record (Device): Audio recording will be switched on and audio from an external device will be captured. Please see Settings->Audio- to choose an audio device to be recorded from.
- At Complete: Choose the behavior of Replay Radio when the scheduled item has completed recording:
- None: Take no additional action.
- Close Tuner: Quit playing the station but leave Replay Radio running.
- Quit Application: Quit Replay Radio.
- Stop Capture: The station will continue to play, but the capture will stop.
- Download Method: Changes based on the capture selection. Defines how the URL will be started or defines the audio recording method to use for the URL.
- Normal URL
- Playlist URL
- RadioTime URL
- RSS Feed
- Podcast / RSS Feed
- Url: The URL. If you don't know the URL, you can use our URL Finder (in the Tools menu) feature to discover it.
Tuner Tab
- This section is pre-populated when adding a program from the Guide, and it is used for direct tuning to the station. Sometimes the tuning URL is different from the schedule recording URL, as can be the case for most Direct download streams.
- Url: The internet address for the online radio stream. This is often the "Listen Live" URL for online stations.
- Player: The method used to launch the above URL.
- Browser will open up your default web browser to the given URL.
- Tuner will launch the player built into Replay Radio which handles most online radio streams.
- Windows Media Player will open the given URL in WMP.
- External Player will open the URL in a separate program, determined by the content type and software on your computer.
Schedule Tab
- Days: Check the days of the week on which the scheduled recording will run.
- Time Zone: Time zone of the start time. This will be used to schedule the recording at the correct time on your machine. Each time a scheduled recording occurs, the start time is updated against the time zone to take into account daylight savings changes or your machine and this time zone.
- Start Time: The start time in the given time zone. The date field allows you to set the date to today or any date in the future to begin your scheduled recording.
- Start Date: The date you would like the schedule to start.
- Duration (minutes): The length of time in minutes to record.
Settings Tab
- Import into iTunes: Switch this on to have Replay Radio automatically send this recording to iTunes upon completion.
- Mute Volume:Mute the computer during recording time. This is convenient for overnight recordings.
- Specify Output Folder: Switch this option on and you can select a custom location for this recording to be saved.
- Convert: Select a conversion format for this recording.
Split Tab
- Don't Split: Default option. One recording will be made with given duration from Recording tab.
- Split every X minutes: After given number of minutes, recording will be stopped, and a new recording will begin. This will repeat until given duration is reached.
- Split at X minutes after the hour: Up to 8 specific time points can be chosen at which the recording will stop, and a new one will begin. -1 indicates that no split will be made. To split at the top of the hour, enter 0.
Tags Tab
- Use the ID3 Title, Artist, and Album Tag fields to manually set these values for recordings. The ID3 Title Tag field also supports the {D} - day, {M} - Month, {Y} - year, {H} - Hour, {MI} - minute shorthand for adding a timestamp to your recording. Entering information in the Title tag will override the schedule naming.
Schedule items can be imported to and exported from Replay Radio using the import and export arrow buttons. This allows you to share your favorite program schedules with other Replay Radio users.
Playing Back, Deleting, and Converting Recordings
While the Schedule tab contains things you want to record, the My Recordings tab contains programs which have been recorded or are actively being recorded. Simply select one of your completed recordings from the listing and press the Play button. If the format of the recording is supported by Replay Radio, it will be played from within Replay Radio. If the format of the recording is not natively supported, an external player (based on operating system settings and the programs you have installed) will be launched to playback the file.

After selecting a recording, you can also play it by clicking the Enter/Return key on your keyboard, or right-clicking on the entry and selecting Play ... from the drop down list. From the drop down list you can also delete the file from your computer, rename it, remove the entry from the listing, convert to other formats, and import to iTunes (if recorded in an iTunes supported audio format). Or import to Windows Media Player (if recorded in WMP supported audio format).
To convert a recording from one audio format to another, select the entry from the recordings list, right-click and choose Convert ... from the drop down menu. You will then be presented the option to convert to one of many different formats. Starting a conversion does not delete the original file - in case you desire to keep the original or change your mind about the conversion type.
To delete one or multiple recordings from your hard drive, select them in the My Recordings listing, right-click and choose Delete or press the Delete key on your keyboard. Recordings can be deleted immediately or moved to your Recycle Bin (default behavior) based on chosen Settings.
Tuning to a Live Online Radio Station
While you can tune to and listen to online radio stations from your own browser, you can also do so from Replay Radio. If you have created any scheduled recordings using our Guide, you can simply click on the entry in the Schedule list and then press the Tune button. The station that is used for the schedule will then be launched.
If you have our Guide open to a station, you can click the Tune button in the Guide listing to start listening to that station.
If you manually created a scheduled recording, you will want to make sure the Tuning tab is appropriately filled out in the schedule properties. For more information, please refer back to How to Schedule a Recording Manually.
How to Find a Radio Stream URL
If you want to record a show that is not in our database, you might need to discover the URL for the streaming media. The URL is not always the same as the webpage of the station, especially if you are interested in scheduling a Direct download of the radio stream as opposed to having a webpage open each time a recording begins. For this purpose, our Url Finder is installed with Replay Radio. You can launch the URL Finder from your Windows Start Menu > Applian Technologies > URL Finder. The first time you run Url Finder you may be asked to install our Replay Url Finder helper application. The installation process may also require the installation of the Applian Network Monitor or WinPcap.

Simply click the green START button, and then open a new webpage to the online radio site. The Replay Url Finder will then determine the actual address that the show is coming from. Then, either click the blue arrow or right-click on the discovered address and choose Schedule in Replay Radio to add the station to Replay Radio. The discovered, Direct download address will be automatically added to the URL field of the new schedule item. If you want to also tune to this station for listening, enter the original website address to the Tuner tab. Please read How to Schedule a Recording Manually to complete the schedule setup.
In general, the Settings for Replay Radio may not need to be adjusted. We offer the ability to change aspects of the program to suit your individual needs.
Personalization Tab:

- Delete to Recycle Bin: If ON, deleted files will be sent to the Recycle Bin. If OFF, deleted files will be immediately removed from computer.
- Enable sound effects: If ON, sound effects will be active, and you will get an audible tone when recordings complete.
- Prompt on quit: If ON, you will be prompted by Replay Radio when you close the program, giving you a chance to check if there are still running downloads.
- Clear list on exit: If ON, the recording listing will be cleared when Replay Radio is quit. Files will not be deleted. If OFF, Replay Radio will keep a complete listing of recordings even after multiple sessions.
- Always on top: If ON, Replay Radio will attempt to stay above all other windows on your screen.
- Tablet mode: If ON, Replay Radio will automatically switch to tablet mode when running a Windows 2-1 device.
- Force table mode: If ON, Replay Radio will always run in Tablet mode.
- Use IE Proxy settings: If ON, Replay Radio will use Internet Explorer's proxy settings as determined in Control Panel\Network and Internet\Internet Properties. This is recommended for recording over HTTPS connections.
- Prevent sleep/hibernation: if ON, your computer will be prevented from sleeping while Replay Radio is running.
- Import into WMP: If ON, all recordings/downloads that are in Windows Media Player compatible formats will be sent to the WMP Library. If this button is absent, WMP was not detected on your system.
- Import into iTunes: If ON, all recordings/downloads that are in iTunes compatible formats will be sent to the iTunes Library. If this button is absent, iTunes was not detected on your system. iTunes compatible formats include MP3, WAV, AAC, and MP4/M4V.
- Auto resize columns: If ON, the columns on the Home tab will automatically resize based on the length of each recording's name and details.
- Choose player based on file association: If ON, playing a file from within Replay Radio will launch an appropriate player based on Windows' default settings. If OFF, the Applian FLV and Media Player will attempt to be launched.
- Display progress alerts when minimized: If ON and Replay Radio is minimized or in Small Interface mode, a movable progress window will appear on your screen, letting you know the status of the download/recording.
- Minimize to Windows System Tray: If ON, Replay Radio will minimize to the System Tray instead of the Windows toolbar.
- Start with small interface: If ON, Replay Radio will start in the Small Interface mode.
- Scheduler can wake: If ON, scheduled recordings will wake your computer so that the recording is not missed due to being asleep.
Output Folder Tab

By default, your recordings will be placed into an Applian\Replay Radio folder inside your Documents folder. You can easily change to a number of different common folders. If you have a "cloud" service installed, Replay Radio will recognize it and provide that as a save location option as well. Links for three common cloud services are supplied if you wish to install them.
If you want a Custom location for saving the downloaded and recorded media, make sure the Custom radio button is selected. Then, at the bottom in the Output Folder field, enter the location you would like to save media to. You can also click on the ellipsis, "...", at the end of the line to bring up a folder navigator for choosing a location.
Internet Downloads Tab:

- Concurrent Downloads: The number of simultaneous downloads before additional requests are queued. In general, only increase this for broadband connections > 20 Mbps.
- Minimum duration in seconds: Downloaded media smaller than this duration are considered to be ads and are automatically deleted. Set to -1 to disable feature.
- Preferred Download Quality: For sites that offer multiple streaming qualities, you can have Replay Radio prompt you each time for which you would like, or you can have Replay Radio automatically download the preferred quality (High, Medium, Low).
- Preferred Download Format: For sites that offer multiple streaming file formats, you can have Replay Radio prompt you each time for which you would like, or you can have Replay Radio automatically download the preferred format (Any, flv, mp4, 3gp, webm, mkv).
- Max number of segments: To improve performance, HTTP downloads are split into segments and each segment is downloaded independently. This setting defines the maximum number of segments that will be used.
- Minimum download size (KB): HTTP downloads less than this size will be ignored.
- Minimum segment size (KB): The minimum size an HTTP segment will be when calculating the number of segments to use.
- Buffer size (KB): The size of the memory buffer to use for HTTP downloads.
- Rebase RTMP timestamps: When this switch is ON, rebase RTMP timestamps to zero.
- Fix RTMP streams: When this switch is ON, automatically fix RTMP live streams and those without a duration.
- RTMP client buffer: Initial RTMP client buffer in seconds.
- RTMP Auto resume: When this switch is ON, automatically resume when a secure RTMP connection is dropped.
- RTMP Super Download: When this switch os ON, super download is enabled.
- RTMP SD Buffer: Super Download buffer in seconds.
- Disable RTMP SD for live streams: When this switch is ON, Super Download for live streams is disabled.
Audio Recording Tab

- Audio Recording Method
- Application: In the Application recording method, audio is directly pulled out of running applications. The applications from which Replay Radio can grab audio are set via the Apps button.
- Device: When Device is selected, you will be able to choose a hardware device connected to your computer, such as Line In, from which to record audio.
- Stereo Mix (What you hear): When Stereo Mix is chosen, all audio from your computer will be recorded. A Buffer value will be presented, and larger buffer values will reduce CPU load during recording.
- Output format: Choose the audio format you would like to record in.
- Bit Rate: Compressed, constant bit rate Output formats will allow you to choose the bit rate that you would like for recording. Variable Bit Rate (VBR) and uncompressed formats (such as WAV) do not have this option.
- Minimum duration in seconds: Recordings less that this duration are discarded.
- Amplification Factor (Gain): Values less than 1 will decrease the volume of the saved recording. Conversely, the saved audio can be boosted in volume by increasing the Gain above 1.
- Peak Normalization: If ON, the recording will be processed to increase the overall volume such that the loudest part is at 0 dBFS.
- Start audio recording on start: If ON, Replay Radio will activate audio recording when first launched.
- Prompt when a configuration issue is detected: The Application recording method requires certain Windows Registry settings to be accurate. Sometimes, other software such as "Cleaners" or antivirus programs will delete the Replay Radio settings. If ON, Replay Radio will warn you that the Registry is not configured correctly.
- Record silence: If ON, sound that is considered silent based on the Silence Level setting will be recorded. This is usually necessary for audio recordings that include large breaks or gaps in the stream.
- Split on silence: If ON, when silence is detected based on the Silence Time and Silence Level settings, Replay Radio will split the current recording and start a new file to continue recording.
- Silence Time (ms): Time, in milliseconds, for which silence needs to be detected for Split on silence to be activated.
- Silence Level: Numbers below this level will be considered silent for the purposes of Record silence and Split on silence.
Naming Rules Tab

- Duplicate naming rule: If Replay Radio encounters another file in your media folder with the same name, apply this rule to prevent overwriting.
- Use application title as initial title: If ON, Replay Radio will attempt to get the title of the recording from the window of the audio source. If OFF, you can choose an initial title.
- Lookup Artwork: If ON, album artwork will be searched for based on the given shorthand.
- Enable ID3 Naming Rule: When ON, recordings will be renamed based on the ID3 tag information.
- ID3v2 Version: Windows operating systems don't always recognize the latest ID3 tagging scheme, although iTunes can. If you want to view song tag information in Windows File Explorer, reduce this number.
- When files are tagged, apply the following naming rule: Using the listed, bracketed shorthand, files will be renamed based on the shorthand.
- Artwork lookup rule: Album artwork will be searched for based on the given shorthand.
- So, if you wanted a tagged file to be named by album, artist, and then title with underscores between, you might use {album}_{artist}_{title}.
- If you wanted to put the tagged file into subfolders, artist first and then album, and include the track number, you could use {artist}\{album}\{trackno}-{title}.